Nebraska Cooperative Council Education Foundation Scholarships

Dec 14, 2022

The Nebraska Cooperative Council Education Foundation (NCCEF) will provide 9 scholarships totaling $20,100 for the 2023/24 academic year to students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) College of Agriculture (NCTA) at Curtis, and the University of Nebraska-Kearney (UNK).

The NCCEF scholarship program includes:

*Five $2,500 scholarships at UNL in honor of Michael S. Turner–one to a freshman and the balance to upperclassmen–majoring in Agribusiness or Agricultural Economics

*One $2,500 scholarship at UNL in honor of Robert C. Andersen to an upperclassman majoring in Agribusiness or Agricultural Economics

*Two $1,300 scholarships at NCTA in honor of Michael S. Turner to students majoring in Agribusiness or Ag Production Systems

*One $2,500 scholarship at UNK in honor of Michael S. Turner to an upperclassman student majoring in Agribusiness

The scholarship program was initiated with the 1993/94 academic year as an important addition to the Council’s youth education efforts. Since that time, 231 scholarships totaling $313,600 have been provided to students.

Scholarship committees at UNL, NCTA, and UNK make the selection of recipients based on criteria established for each scholarship. The Foundation only verifies local cooperative affiliation and Council membership requirements.

Individuals will need to complete an online application form and submit it electronically to UNL, NCTA, or UNK by April 15, 2023. The link for students to complete/submit an application can be found at

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